Exercise 2

Вставьте глагол to be в соответствующей форме.

Hello! I (1) ____ a boy. My name (2) ____ Frank. I (3) ___ a pupil of the 4th form. I like animals. I have got two pets. They (4) ____ a cat and a dog. The cat's name (5) ____ Pussy and the dog's name (6) ____ Spot. They (7) _____ funny, because they (8) ____ a kitten and a puppy. They like playing together. Pussy (9) ___ white and Spot (10) ___ black. Their tails (11) ___ long. The cat's tail (12) ___ bushy and the dog's one (13) ___ not. I love my pets very much.

And what about you? What (14) ___ your name? How old (15) ___ you? Have you got any pets? If you have, what (16) ___ they?

Write soon! Best wishes, Frank.

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